A selection of exhibition activities from 1993 until today
- Noć Muzeja – Doba leda i vatre
- Otvorenje izložbe Tomislava Čeranića “Simulacra Naturae”
- Otvorenje izložbe Edit Glavurtić “Rascvjetavanje – Skice iz Edena”
- Otvorenje izložbe Tomislava Livaje “Babaseka”
- Otvorenje izložbe “Krapinski pračovjek”
- Otvorenje izložbe “Igračke iz Etnografskog muzeja Zagreb”
- Vilim Svečnjak – Noć muzeja
- Otvorenje izložbe – Neustrašive žene
- Otvorenje izložbe Udruga Suncokret
- Otvorenje izložbe “Hrvati ujedinjeni kravatom”
- Otvorenje vezovske izložbe Molovanje i farbanje
- Otvorenje izložbe Arheologija iz zraka
- Otvorenje izložbe “Strip mobili”
- Otvorenje izložbe Pretpovijesno naselje Gradina – Viškovci
- Noć muzeja 2022. – Novi Perkovci – Krčavina
- Otvorenje izložbe “100 godina Hrvatskog lista – od Lista do glasa”
- Otvorenje izložbe “70 godina Muzeja Đakovštine”
- Otvorenje izložbe “Mala lička etno priča”
- Otvorenje izložbe Stephana Lupina – Umjetnost u vrtlogu strasti, nemira i napetosti
- Otvorenje izložbe “Krapinski pračovjek”
- Digitalna noć muzeja
- Izložba Mirjane Marović “Putovi”
- Predstavljanje knjige “Tomašanci-Palača-naselja iz mlađega kamenog, bakrenog i brončanog doba”
- Izložba “Izbor iz zbirke Zlate Lubienski u Hrvatskoj akademiji znanosti i umjetnosti
- Izložba “Vuneni prekrivači iz fundusa Muzeja Đakovštine”
- Izložba Stanka Abadžića “Aktovi”
- Izložba “Omladinske radne akcije – dizajn ideologije”
- Javna tribina “Đakovčani na omladinskim radnim akcijama”
- Izložba “Etikete đakovačkih alkoholnih pića”
- Izložba “Novi Perkovci-Krčavina: Prapovijesno višeslojno arheološko nalazište”
- Predstavljanje 15. Zbornika Muzeja Đakovštine
- Noć muzeja 2020. Izložba Željka Subića
- Izložba Ivana Tišova u Viškovcima
- Predstavljanje knjige “Između partizana i pristojnosti” Život i doba Svetozara Rittiga (1873.-1961.), autorica Margareta Matijević
- Izbor iz etno građe vlč. Mate Kneževića
- Zašto je pčela važnija od čovjeka?
- Izložba “Ivan Tišov 1870.-2020.”
- Izložba rijetko izlaganih slika iz Likovnog fundusa Muzeja Đakovštine
- Predstavljanje vodiča Istraživanje baštine u Muzeju Đakovštine- Vodič za djecu
- Eugen Varzić- Ludus
- Umijeće šaranja tikvica u Slavoniji
- Mario Čaušić: Poglavlja
- Da vas podsjetimo: aktivnosti Muzeja Đakovštine sagledane kroz izložbene i druge plakate
- Mia Janković Shenster: Talog
- Predstavljanje knjige Narodna stranka u Slavoniji i Srijemu 1883.-1903. autor Branko Ostajmer
- Multimedijska izložba “Osijek na udaru brutalne agresije”
- Početci sestrinstva u Hrvatskoj i Đakovštini
- Jelena Boras – In villa que vocatur Diaco – rezultati arheoloških istraživanja u Đakovu
- Dinko Župan – Biti učenik u Hrvatskoj u dugom 19. stoljeću
- Slavica Moslavac – Zaviri ispod
- Estera Radičević – 150 godina zaJedno
- Izložba Gordane Bakić
- Šibice (etikete) iz kolekcije Valentina Markovčića
- Suvremeni đakovački umjetnici u fundusu likovne zbirke Muzeja Đakovštine
- Izložba doniranih zastava
- Svijet kristala patera Marija Crvenke
- Hrvatski (katolički) orao
- Sjedi drvo na drvo
- Stalni postav arheologije
- Lokalni izbori u Đakovu 1990.-2001. godine
- Ljupki čuvari uspomena
- Marija Adrić Soldo – Ogledi o samopromatranju
- An experiment using intaglio techniques – Exhibition by Ana Beljan
- Krunislav Stojanovski’s 20 years of painting
- Museum in a pot
- Exhibition by Mirna Petrović
- Exhibition by Dajana Karas
- Exhibition by Kristina Marić
- Exhibition on the occasion of the Strossmayer Jubilee
- Group exhibition by A. Beljan, H. Duvnjak, D. Karas, K. Marić i M. Petrović
- Reflections of a State – exhibition of paintings by Petra Balekić
- Through play to the Green– exhibition of works by Dora Tomić
- Art legacy of the family Pejačević
- Legacy of the Bishop J.J.Strossmayer
- Cultural assets in the rewarded graphics by students of primary school from Josipovac
- Joy of the Colours – exhibition of paintings by Vesna Sokolić
- Teaching materials and aids in private schools of Sisters of Mercy of the Holy Cros
- The Signs which I have… – Exhibition by Josip Brandis
- Moving of the pattern – Exhibition by Marija Adrić
- Cultural heritage of Gorjani presented through the students’ artworks
- Exhibition of of items donated by Zvonko Benašić
- Strossmayer and the musicians
- Concentration Camp Đakovo
- Đakovo and Đakovo Region in the First World War
- Đakovo rock scene from the middle of the1960s till the end of the 1970s
- Codes of reality (Exhibition by Zrinka Vinković Kralj, Matija Kralj and Sanjin Vinković)
- Contemporary Croatian graphic art – questioning of a medium
- Strossmayer and the artists, influence and support
- Craftsmen’s products as an integral part of traditional clothes in the Đakovo Region
- Industrial heritage of Eastern Croatia
- Dvoje leglo, troje osvanilo (Two went to bed, three arose)
- Ecological workshop – From Tadijanović to fashion show
- Acquisittions of Art Collections from the Museum of Đakovština
- 140th Anniversary of the Voluntary Fire Brigade in Đakovo
- Josip Kaniža – Paste/Copy, exhibition of paintings
- Hey you, the Village of Perkovci, both, Old and New…
- Exhibition of Stamp collections
- Hand made parts of traditional costumes of Ljelje-dancers or queens from the village of Gorjani
- Liturgical clothes/chasubles from the collections of the Museum of Arts and Handicraft
- Slavonian spirit – Exhibition of photographs by Mario Šulina
- Vladimir Filakovac – A small retrospective
- So far so good – Exhibition of paintings by Drazen Budimir
- Vesna Kolobarić – Exhibition of reliefs
- Marija Adrić – Challenging Traditional Expectations, exhibition of paintings
- Ivan Germovšek – Pig slaughter, exhibition of paintings
- Branka Uzelac – Guide to the permanent exhibition of the Museum of surrounding area of Djakovo – Ethnic division
- Mountains, people, roads – Exhibition of photographs by Miro Lay
- Labin’s boom of visual arts
- Little guardians of the treasures of the museum
- Exhibition of Traditional Clothes of Baranja County (from the collection of the Ethnographic Museum in Split)
- Seven decades of Djakovo posters and leaflets
- From the peaceful revolution to German unification
- Grapes and wine as signs of God’s blessings
- Kruno Rac – Photo Exhibition
- 21. Slavonian bienalle – Award-winning works
- Postmodern painting by Croatian Artists
- Đakovo first photographers
- Gorjanske Ljelje as artistic inspiration
- Starter – exhibition of the first generation of graduates from Arts Academy in Osijek
- Exhibition of comics by Ivica Bednjanec
- Tradition Towels of Đakovo-region
- Paintings by Ratko Žaje
- Presented in a new way (Balekić, Gašparovski, Kakaš, Popović)
- Paintings by Željko Mucko
- The Contemporaty in the Traditional – Civil dress with traditional elements
- Autochthonous Croatian art as a contribution to European poetics
- Exhibition of Paintings by Helmut Gross
- A hundred years of football in Đakovo
- Josipovac, Slovak village in Đakovština
- Photographs by Mario Šulina
- Photo-Haigi by Silvija Butković
- Photographs by Stjepan Jozić
- Religious motifs in modern Croatian paintings
- Jewelry through history
- A small retrospective of Ivan Domac
- Old memorials from Đakovo
- Paintings by Virgilije Nevjestić
- Paintings by Sanja Rešček
- From Austria to Croatia (Presentation of drawings and photographs)
- Exhibition about Vladimir Prebeg
- Permanent display of historical and cultural collection
- 55 years of FKK (amateur photographers´ club) Đakovo
- Early Christian golden-platted glass from Štrbinci near Đakovo ( in co-operation with the Stjepan Gruber Museum in Županja)
- Photographs by Ivan Čačić
- Documents threatened by war destruction
- Exhibition of towels
- Paintings by Marko Živković
- Paintings by Ivan Germovšek “Life is a Song”
- «Hrvatski Sokol Đakovo» (Croatian Eagle- a club from Đakovo)
- 19th Bienniale of Slavonia
- Donated paintings– old masters´ paintings donated to bishop Strossmayer
- Exhibition of old postcards from Đakovo
- Opening of the permanent ethnological display
- Retrospective of sculptures by Miroslav Benaković
- “101 Lippizaner Horse” – sculptures by Hrvoje Dumančić
- Photographs by Krunoslav Rac
- Croatian Aristocracy in Slowakia
- Photographs by Zoran Filipović, promotion of the book written by Zoran Filipović
- Paintings and sculptures «Life- land»
- Paintings by Hrvoje Duvnjak
- «Under the Rakes´ Cross»
- A retrospective of paintings by Ivan Tišov
- Photographs by Andrej Car
- Traditional hair-styling and head covers in Đakovština-area
- Photographs by Marko Ferger
- «Accede ad Certissiam»
- A retrospective by Ljudevit Šestić
- Paintings and Fine Art created by children
- «Milko Cepelić – To Mark His 150-th Birth-Anniversary»
- «Florentes»
- »The Keepers of the Cultural Property»
- Water colours by Predrag Goll
- Paintings by Tihomir Lončar
- Selected items from the Patriotic War Collection
- Paintings by E. M. Kužina
- A Retrospective by Slavko Tomerlin
- «Accede ad Certissiam»
- Traditional Craftsmanship and Handicraft—The Entity of Croatian Volk Art
- Paintings by Josip Zanki
- Paintings by Nelida Kos-Kalanj
- Paintings by Goran Petrač
- Works by the Group of artists called « Traces and Footsteps»
- Paintings by Dragan Milošević
- Paintings by amateur painters from Đakovo
- »As Long As There´s Bread On Your Table, To Please Your Your Guests- You Will Be Able
- Croatian Borders on the Maps, dating from the 16th up to the 20th century
- Stocks and shares
- Merry Christmas to You- People of Good Will
- Literature and Comics