The right to access information

The right to access information is regulated by the Law on the right to access information (Official Gazette No. 25/13) owned, managed or controlled by public authorities.

The law also prescribes the principles of the right to access, the exceptions and the procedure for exercising and protecting the right to access information.

The goal of the law is to enable and provide information to the general public and legal persons through the openness and public actions of public authorities, in accordance with the law.

The right to access information includes the user’s right to request and obtain information, as well as the obligation of the public authority to provide access to the requested information, i.e. to publish information regardless of the request when such publication results from an obligation determined by law or other regulation.

Information is any data held by a public authority in the form of a document, record, file, register or in any other form, regardless of the way it is presented (written, drawn, printed, recorded, magnetic, optical, electronic or any other record).

Reuse means the use of information of a public authority by the general public or legal persons, for commercial or non-commercial purposes other than the original purpose within the framework of the public work for which the information was created.

The right to access information is exercised by submitting a request to the Museum of the Đakovo region. If the request is submitted in writing, it is necessary to fill out the form „Request to access the museum’s materials and documents“ and deliver it personally, by post or e-mail address:

  • post: Muzej Đakovštine, Ante Starčevića 34, 31400 Đakovo,
  • e-mail:

The form to request the access to information:

Documents and regulations












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